Quasar Scan user guide
v3 (old) Linux Agent Deployment
Linux (Red Hat)
1. Untar the Quasar Agent
Untar the Quasar Agent tgz to /opt/quasar.
mkdir /opt/quasar && cd /opt/quasar && tar xzvf quasar-agent-redhat-32bit-sysvinit.tgz
2. Edit the Agent Configuration
Go to /opt/quasar.
Edit the local configuration file (local.cfg) to set the IP address / hostname of your Quasar Server host. Quasar can use either the DNS name or the IP address. If you do not edit local.cfg to specify the Quasar server, connectivity will fail and the Quasar Agent will not show in the list of agents available to the Quasar Server.
Test to ensure that the Quasar Agent is able to connect tot the Quasar Server:
./quasarscan-linux commtest
If successful, it will return: Comm test: Success!
If unsuccessful, you will need to interrupt it with ctrl+c. Go back to the local.cfg file to ensure that you have entered the Quasar Server name / IP address correctly. If this is correct, verify that the required ports are allowed.
3. Make the Agent Executable
Copy the quasarscan init script to /etc/init.d/quasarscan and make it executable.
cp quasarscan /etc/init.d && chmod +x /etc/init.d/quasarscan
4. Enable the Quasar Agent Service
Enable the Quasar Agent Service:
chkconfig --add quasarscan
5. Configure the Agent Service to Run Automatically
Configure the Quasar Agent service to run automatically:
chkconfig –level 2345 quasarscan on
6. Confirm the Quasar Agent Has Installed
Check and confirm that the Quasar Agent has been installed correctly
chkconfig --list | grep quasarscan
7. Start the Quasar Agent
Start the Quasar Agent as a daemon in the background:
/etc/init.d/quasarscan start
8. Check the Agent Has Started
Check that the Quasar Agent has started successfully:
/etc/init.d/quasarscan status
By default, the agent logs to syslog. The agent will log the start up status and the default / configured folder locations (log, data, and tempspace) to syslog upon starting up. You should check that the logs are being generated correctly by running the command:
tail /var/log/messages
Linux (Ubuntu)
1. Untar the Quasar Agent
Untar the Quasar Agent tgz to /opt/quasar
mkdir /opt/quasar && cd /opt/quasar && tar xzvf quasar-agent-ubuntu-64bit-sysvinit.tgz
2. Edit the Agent Configuration
Go to /opt/quasar
Edit the local configuration file (local.cfg) to set the IP address / hostname of your Quasar Server host. Quasar can use either the DNS name or the IP address. If you do not edit local.cfg to specify the Quasar server, connectivity will fail and the Quasar Agent will not show in the list of agents available to the Quasar Server.
Test to ensure that the Quasar Agent is able to connect tot the Quasar Server:
./quasarscan-linux commtest
If successful, it will return: Comm test: Success!
If unsuccessful, you will need to interrupt it with ctrl+c. Go back to the local.cfg file to ensure that you have entered the Quasar Server name / IP address correctly. If this is correct, verify that the required ports are allowed.
3. Make the Agent Executable
Copy the quasarscan init script to /etc/init.d/quasarscan and make it executable.
cp quasarscan /etc/init.d && chmod +x /etc/init.d/quasarscan
4. Enable the Quasar Agent Service
Enable the Quasar Agent Service:
update-rc.d quasarscan defaults
5. Confirm the Quasar Agent Has Installed
Check and confirm that the Quasar Agent has been installed correctly
service --status-all 2>&1 | grep quasarscan
7. Start the Quasar Agent
Start the Quasar Agent as a daemon in the background:
service quasarscan start
8. Check the Agent Has Started
Check that the Quasar Agent has started successfully:
/etc/init.d/quasarscan status
By default, the agent logs to syslog. The agent will log the start up status and the default / configured folder locations (log, data, and tempspace) to syslog upon starting up. You should check that the logs are being generated correctly by running the command:
tail /var/log/messages